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2009年4月26日 星期日

I had an appointment with Heavenly Father

Today, through Holy Ghost I learned a lot in the stake conference. I felt so touched and inspired by the spirit. President Chen, 2nd counselor of Taiwan Taipei Temple shared about the importance of temple in our life. He shared some life experience. When Elder Anderson served in Asia area presidency, he got an assignment from President Hinckley to build a Mission home for Mongolia Mission. After complete this assignment, he reported to President Hinckley “Now we have a beautiful mission home and the it's sufficient that serving period for Mission President can extend from two years to three years. President Hinckley smiled to him and said well done.

Couple month’s later; Elder Anderson received a call from President Hinckley. He said "Would you serve as Mongolia Mission president for three years?" Elder Anderson said "Yes! Because I made the covenant with Heavenly Father in the holy temple."

Another worth learning experience is while Elder Watson just finished his assignment as serving in the China District President and went back to states. without unpacking the luggage, He received a call from President Hinckley and said to him" Elder Watson, Kaohsiung Mission president is too sick to keep serving as a mission president, Would you be willing to go to Taiwan and serve as a Kaohsiung Mission president" Without hesitation, He said” Yes! I would love to because I President made the convent with Heavenly Father in the holy temple. Then President Hinckley asked” When will you be able to serve?" He replied "Now."

I felt inspired deeply in my heart and thankful for their amazing example. I am so grateful we have a temple here in Taiwan so i could feel so closeness of Heavenly Father's love and happily attend the appointment with Heavenly Father monthly.

Eventually, we all will end our mortal life , but I feel deeply cheerful that I know I could go back to Heavenly home thought keeping the covenant I made with Heavenly Father in His holy temple.



Eric Lund


To have peace and happiness

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